At the end of their training, students will be able to
Major disciplinary skills:
- Manipulate phytopathogenic organisms, design and produce experimental plans involving these microorganisms and study their interaction with plants.
- Master the bases of the isolation and characterization of phytopathogneic microorganisms.
- Analyse and monitor the epidemic development of plant diseases by studying the complexe interactions between the host plant, the phytopathogenic agent and the abiotic environment.
- Design an integrated pest control strategy, and identify the benefits and limitations, design plans for testing pesticides or bio-control agents and molecules.
- Diagnose the presence of mycotoxins in crops and in their transformation products (human and animal food).
Transferable competencies
- Design and produce an experimental approach allowing for membership of a fundamental or applied research team.
- Work in interdisciplinary teams
- Apply the acquired knowledge to the corporate world and the world of research
- Comply with scientific ethics on the basis of principles traditionally developed at universities
- Understand the difficulties between the scientific concept behind the creation of a business venture and the daily management of this business.
- Master project management tools (experiments, written notes, research collaboration, budget management)
- Write clearly and use various techniques to produce communication materails (report, pictures, synopsis, poster, article) and comment on issues for a general or specialist public, in French or English.
Students who have completed the training will be able to work in the following types of functions:
Engineering in agriculture and natural environment management and engineering, industrial research and development, technical and commercial relationship, experimenter, experimental program officer, Agro-aevelopment engineer, R & D engineer, eunior engineer, engineer junior research, product manager.

Some establishments and Corporate Partners (internship places)
Société Sarco, (Laffort Œnologie), 33270 Floirac ;
Unité MycSA, INRA Bordeaux ;
FCBA (Forêt, Cellulose, Bois-construction), 33000 Bordeaux ;
S.A. France Mycélium, 49426 Saumur,
Institut Pasteur: laboratoire des
Aspergillus, Unité Biologie et Pathogénicité Fongiques, Laboratoire des bactéries et Champignons Entomopathogènes, 75015 Paris ;
CIRAD, 34032 Montpellier;
Société Biotransfer, 93107 Montreuil,
Société Rhodia Texel, 86220 Dangé Saint Romain ;
Germicopa Recherche, 29520 Chateauneuf du Faou ;
CTIFL (Centre Technique Interprofessionnel des Fruits et Légumes), Equipe « Lutte intégrée », 30127 Bellegarde, Centre de Lanxade, 24130 la force ;
Société A-R-D (Agro-industrie recherches et Développement) F-51110 Pomacle ;
European Biological Control Laboratory (USDA-ARS), 34988 St Gely de Fesc ;
Société Lallemend, 31700 Blagnac ;
Société Lesaffre International, 59700 Marcq-en-Baroeul ;
Danisco, 86220 Dangé Saint Romain ;
Société Odyssol, 64160 Morlaas ;
Unilever France, 33000 Bordeaux ;
Ecosolution, 93230 Romainville ;
Société Saf-Isis S. A., Groupe Lesaffre, 40140 Soustons ;
Société Valorhiz (Montpellier) ;
ARYSTA Life Science, 64150 Nogueres ;
ALCINA-Forêt SARL, 34080 Montpellier ;
Premier Tech. 3500 Rivière du Loup (Québec) Canada ;
Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Suisse ;
Institut de Biologie végétale, Université de Fribourg, Fribourg, Suisse ;
Centre de recherche en Biologie Forestière, Université Laval, Sainte-Foy, Québec (Canada) ;
HorstResearch Lincoln, New Zealand ;
IRSST-Institut Robert Sauvé en Santé et Sécurité au Travail, Montreal, Canada ;
Université Concordia, Montréal, Canada.
Professional careers : Job (80 %) among which CDD (50 %), CDI (30 %), Job in agroprotection (56 %), employment in agroprotection (56%), continuation in Doctoral study and CIFRE (15%)