Educational aims
Internships correspond to temporary periods spent in actual work situations in professional environments, during which students acquire professional competencies and experiences as part of their training in order to obtain their Master's degree and facilitate their professional integration. Interns carry out one or more assignments corresponding to the educational project defined by the teaching staff of the B2AS Master Program and approved by their internship supervisor. This makes the internship a key component of the students' training and prepares them for their future careers.
This application concerns submissions for internship projects and consulting offers. Internships can be submitted for M1 or M2 students. Internships for M1 students last for two months and start in mid-April. For M2 students, internships last for six months and start in January.

Internship subjects must be submitted to the coordinator of the relevant pathway chosen from the 6 pathways of the Master program. The coordinator is rsponsible for checking whether the internship subject is of Master 1 or 2 level. Regarding this particular point, the pathway coordinator can refuse an internship subject if he/she considers that it does not correspond to the framework of the Master program or will not be benefical to the Master students.
Once, the subject of the internship has been approved, it is published on the web site. The students can then contact the person in charge of the internship in order to submit their applications.
No internship can begin before an internship agreement is signed which binds the intern, the University through its President, an educational tutor on the Master Program and the internship supervisor.
For internships lasting more than 2 months, the internship supervisor must pay to the intern a financial allowance (see the French regulations for the internships). This regulation only applies to internships carry out in France.
The teaching staff of the B2AS Master Program