Phytopathology and Mycology

Phytopathology and Mycology

PhytoPathology and Mycology

Socio-economic context
Training responds to local and national problems and specific trades such as, for example, development and use of pesticides and bio-control products for crops protection (including corn, wheat, vines, forest), the fight against plant pathogenic and mycotoxin-producing fungi, the development and use of wine yeast varieties.
The local industrial component is well represented in the teachings of the training, thanks to the intervention of INRA researchers in Bordeaux working on plant pathology issues on corn and cereals (mycotoxins), on vines and forest but also to the active support of industrial plant protection and biocontrol companies, directly involved in the teachings of the Master (regulatory Affairs, approval and "regulatory ") or as internship places for student.
Objectives of the pathway
This teaching pathway concerns all types of fungal microorganisms and/or phytopathognic agents (fungi, bacteria, viruses). It leads to the understanding and mastership of plant microbe interactions at both physiological and molecular levels. Students will acquire an important knownledge of the methods of crop protection, use of plant protection products, from their mode of action to the homologation and regulatory processes.
Novelty and ambitious character of the pathway
At the end of the formation, students will be able to integrate managerial staff in companies which use fungi or limit phytopathogen infection of crops.
This includes:

  • Prevention of phytopathogenic agents (Characterization of plant resistances, bio-control and plant protection products).
  • But also, fungi with food interests (yeasts, bioreactors, production of dyes and aromas, mycotoxins, edible mushrooms), or environmental interests (biodiversity, mycorhization, bioremediation, biological control).

Pathway organization and ressources/training program

Program overview and architecture

  • 2 years representing 120 ECTS (60 ECTS/year).

Training program

  • TU Plant in its environment: Biotic and Abiotic Stresses.
    Pr. Eric Gomes,  Virginie Laurent  (M1, S2)
  • TU Biodiversity of symbiotic and pathogenic microorganism of plants 
    Gérard Barroso, Karine Dementhon,  (M1, S2)
  • TU Molecular basis of plant microbe interactions.
    Eric Gomes, Sylvie German-Retana (M2, S3)
  • TU Epidémiology and control of cultivated plant diseases.
    Lucia Guérin (Bordeaux Science Agro), Marie-France Coriot-costet (M2, S3)
  • TU Technologic Applications of fungi, mycotoxins et food security
    Gérard Barroso, Jean-Michel savoie, Florence Forget (M2, S3)