Master Biologie Agrosciences Bordeaux
Biotechnologie, plante, santé, nutrition
Nos partenaires industriels...
Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation is a competitive cluster for agriculture and food industries in South West of France. Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation offers a shared vision of competitive regional development based on the establishment of a network of interactive skills. Their objective is to create synergy among the various players in the agriculture chains.
Very clearly, the Master Bordeaux Biology AgroSciences is linked to the Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation agenda. These promote the further development of new competency and technology necessary for the agriculture of the XXI first century. The executive board praised the programme’s quality and the fact that three teaching pathways can be followed by sharing time in the industry.
The Union of Industries of Plant Protection (UIPP) in collaboration with the entire agricultural sector is working to ensure a modern agriculture, innovative and respectful of health and natural resources, to ensure a sustainable production of French cultures. UIPP has 21 members representing 95% of the market and more than 5500 employees.
The UIPP is very interested in the opening of Mycology and Plant Pathology Course of the Master Biology and specially the fact that this teaching pathways can be followed by sharing time in the industry. The UIPP is very pleased to support this initiative.